MOLECULaR PRINTS - SYDNEY Biomedical Accelerator
I was invited to create a series of sculptural artworks for the launch of the University of Sydney’s biggest investment to date, The Sydney Biomedical Accelerator. Each artwork focusses on a different area of research within the University Biomedical Field and forward into the SBA.
The artworks are created in CGI using complex particle systems of tiny icons arranged to create a larger form. Across the forms we see thousands of healthy cells intertwined with cancerous cells, icons representing the human input required in the research, proteins, molecules and nanotechnology.
The particles are constrained to individual layers and then output to be printed on sheets of perspex. These are then reassembled in physical space creating the 3D dimensional anamorphic prints.
Client: USYD
Production Partner: Avant Agency
Model Makers: Yippee Ki Yay